Sociodemographic Characteristics, Hope and Information in the Media as Predictors of the Fear of COVID-19




information, media, fear of Covid-19, hope, pandemic


The research examines the severity of fear of Covid-19 its relation to the frequency of obtaining information on Covid-19 through the media and hope, as well as differences in relation to social and demographic variables. The aim was to examine whether and how the frequency of obtaining information in the media on the topic of Covid-19 affects the level of fear of Covid-19. Additional aim was to examine in which way are hope and certain sociodemographic variables related to fear of Covid and informing oneself through media. The sample comprised 316 respondents (214 females). The instruments: Scale of fear of Covid-19, Scale of Hope, as well as 4 questions related to the frequency of receiving information on the topic of Covid-19 from the media and sociodemographic questionnaire. Respondents who have children are more frequently attentive to the Covid-19 statistics in the media, expert presentations on the topic of Covid-19 and information on the Internet. Respondents living alone and with a lower level of education are more often informed on Covid-19 through the media, in all four described ways. Positive correlations were obtained between the fear of Covid-19 and all four described ways of receiving information in the media. In the first model, 6.5% of the variance in fear of Covid-19 is predicted by sociodemographic variables and hope; parenting and level of education stand out as significant factors. The second model included variables related to obtaining information on the topic of Covid-19 through the media. This model explains 17.9% of the variance in fear of Covid-19, with significant predictors being parenting, level of education and the frequency of keeping track of expert presentations on the topic of Covid-19.




How to Cite

Davidović Rakić, J., Vrcić Amar, A., Belić, M., & Maksimović, A. (2024). Sociodemographic Characteristics, Hope and Information in the Media as Predictors of the Fear of COVID-19. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 26(1), 25–43.


